Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The reports of blogging's death have been greatly exaggerated

The latest from Cory Doctorow. http://bit.ly/a2IZBL

Monday, July 12, 2010

Google continues to democratize the web by letting everyone get in on the fun.

Google has released software that will enable regular people to create applications for their Android mobile device (phones for now, presumably tablets in the future). http://nyti.ms/9kWJ4X

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Walled Garden Proves Successful

Apple successfully guarded its "walled garden" by banning a malicious developer. http://nyti.ms/d8HRwM This validates Apple's policy, and should be a warning to those who would download carelessly, from an app store or anywhere else. Apple has protected its customers, even if they don't want the protection, but it has also protected its brand. While I think Android is very cool, it may be destined to be the Windows of mobile OSs--big, but vulnerable.